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Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2021

sad end of march :)

some stories do have to end in order to start well. Moreover, what is ended is never really finished. never finished it will end in tears.

hope with hope.

feeling like paper. written, if it's wrong it is deleted, after that if it's full, discard it. go don't come back. which in the past do not need to be discussed again. enough of the pain. because tonight you destroyed me. I really hoped you were here. but it wasn't before now.

you used to be everything, but not now

don't come back when u realize i'm rare  please don't come back again.  i'm happy without u.  don't play me again, and when u come again this heart is not yours. 

when my mom said in the morn'

please, I swear I'm really gabut oh my gosh, what should I do!? suddenly my mom said "you chicken home" What does it mean?! means I was told to feed the chicken bro! it nudged my thigh again and said "chicken" Yes, I know there is a chicken in front of me :') I've never posted random posts like this, where up to 3 blogs in a day and it's not useful at all, gosh. It seems like it's fun to make a challenge for a blog 10 times a day HAHAHAHAHAHA DO YOU DO IT..

coba dikasih judul

Haven't slept yet, scroll through Pinterest, listen to music once - I want the time to show 05:56 Ah, that's great. I don't know what's the point of writing this, but I feel like I want to type aesthetics like that but I'm not very good at it... I want to accompany you. ~ I promise I will. ~ you can stay away from me ~ but I believe ~ you love me ~ and never ~ let me go but boong palpalepapalelepalepalpalepale HAHAHAHA APANSSI FOODS ARE VERY GATHER IN THE MORNING

Tonight my brain burnout

 god why am i sure with to my purpose ? make it my goal my ideals, believe in me god today, don't tell the story first. contents my braind so very much u know what of my Exam  ia postponed again!!!.  How about my thoughts, my plans in May must be delayed again maybe this is a process, it's okay to believe that God always provides the best way for his servants.

every day is study

Today is Saturday, the last day for my PAS and the last day for my TOEFL prediction. This week a lot of events can be learned from. I'm so happy this week I got 2 certificates at once. Alhamdulillah, the first certificate of TOEFL prediction is the second time I have taken this course, and the second certificate is about psychology (dare to speak up in public, no debate!). Thank God, I have learned a lot of things this week. Even though I'm sick, I beat it until it's gone, eh astaghfirullah Pain is also a smelter of sin, yeah, I should be grateful... But, don't think that my life is good. Eh eh eh, I don't mean to compare who has a more difficult life or not... it's not like that... There's a problem in life, just come and stay loyal to accompany me. Astaghfirullah remember that sadness, joy, difficulty, narrowness, etc. whatever it is, it all comes from Allah and it all always goes hand in hand, remember what I said in the previous blog.  Every ...

love today love tomorrow and forever.

hello back again with me annisa syahrani hehe. What a great day, there are so many lessons that can be taken, sometimes we have to be stupid with people's problems. Indeed, it should be rich, doesn't it mean we are stupid and don't have empathy?!. no ya... well, that's not my business either. today is the fourth day of my PAS exam, the oath was difficult and easy, oh my god, but it's okay, I'm in the US (school exams). There are many lessons that I learned more, I opened an old book again, yes, grade 10 and grade 11. Tomorrow, the fifth day of the test will be Sundanese language and microbiology, microbiology is what makes me a little bit dig dug. I don't know the names of the bacteria at all. okay, it's okay, the test is at home HAHAHAHAHA BTW, now I'm having a fever, you know, actually, since yesterday it didn't feel very good for those of you who know where else to repeat the bat anyway. plus coughing, runny nose, sneezing is okay....

jadi gini..

Today, I feel very hot in my area, oh my god. After taking a shower, it feels normal, there is no feeling very fresh, and don't forget to drink lots of water, guys, if your home area is hot too because it can get hot inside like me. :') Oh yeah, I want to let you know that my cellphone is getting worse every day, so starting tomorrow I will do exams and other things on my cellphone. and.. blog update? I don't know if I can update on my cellphone, but... all the written material on this cellphone is terrible at the service (replace the battery) for a long time. It's okay, you guys don't miss me.. hahaha but I don't know when the service will be. and if it's in the service.. and the service is long.. after the service.. I'll update the blog every day! promise! I will challenge myself. btw, besides exams, I'm taking a free TOEFL course at @scholars and then getting a certificate!! It's cool, I've participated in batch 6. and now I...

the little letter for u R

I love you even though you don't say that you don't love me I know that you love me very much. You're just too proud to say that. You know? You were my monkey love in junior high school and I thought it was just monkey love, it turns out that the feeling really exists even though it has been buried for a long time in my little heart. Thank you for making me cry without having you. Gapapa kan yaa kalo aku masih menyimpan foto dan video yang kamu kirim ke aku waktu itu? 

when face is more important than mindset

✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿ .✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿ hello, welcome back with Annisa today super duper tired. There's a lot of homework again and it's not finished yet, plus my last sister is having a test and she asks for help with the contents. Plus I haven't learned how to make PTS yet, it's great. What a blessing today, I think every day is a lesson to learn. we always learn new things discover new things. whatever it is we have to be strong through the day whether the heart is sad or upset, we have to keep going that day. I want to talk about glow up lately, the word glow up is rampant, even from last year, right? until now still grounded it said. what is glow-up? If the Tiktok warg says, glow up is white, tall, sharp, has a symmetrical face shape, and many more. but in my opinion, glow up is a beautiful heart and a beautiful brain when it comes to various kinds of looks, we can't equalize everyone if they are white, ta...

between wishes, dreams and parents :)

hallo hallo hallo masi dengan gua nisa. yaiyalah siapa lagi ahahahahaha. ngemeng-ngemeng masalah hello hello hello still with cave nisa. yeah who else hahahahaha. I'm thinking about yesterday's problem that I wrote dream big, pray bigger, snmptn / my problem is not being an eligible student, just read it. Today I got a lesson from what I wrote yesterday and it's still a concern in my head. The problem with scholarships is which scholarship I will take and which country I will take, it's not at that stage yet. I'm still struggling at home, yes, in my family. because my father did not approve of me studying outside. I talked about scholarships yesterday because God answered my prayers one by one. Yes, I got information on scholarships in any country, I can take courses for FREE, I can attend seminars with great people (outsiders) from the UK campus (United Kingdom). I'm still collecting evidence for my parents so that I can be allowed to study outside....

manajemen waktu ala gue.

.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿ TIME MANAGEMENT ALA GUE ASEQ. Wkwkwkwk I want to share my tips, as long as you're already a great person, thank you, hehehehe, it's okay so that the knowledge I get today is useful, there are two tips like me, you don't have to spend too much, okay? The important thing is to get to the brain, the knowledge continues to be useful in everyday life, amen. So the first way is my time management method, I make a specific schedule like a checklist or a to-do list? you know. basically, you write down the activities and the time limit and then arrange them according to time or priority, for example,: to do list 12-0120 Read a book 6.00-6.30 •writing blog 7.00-8.00 Listen to podcasts 9.00-11.00 if for example you have done one by one in the checklist or you make a box or round it's up to you later there will be a certain satisfaction after running all the to-do lists. to do list 12-0120 Read a book 6.00-6.30✓ •writing blog 7.0...

u know R i hope u see this and i hope u know if i i love u

✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿ hola hola I know you guys are bored, yes, you are still with Nisa, the owner of this blog is aseqq. Last night, it turned out that something funny happened so I purposely didn't reply to R's chat from the day after yesterday, so last night I posted a photo that's been a long time. from last year and if I'm not mistaken it's a photo of a new year's event with my friends. I'll post it at 20:32 _thanks for tonight_ the caption is like that at 22:37 he made the same status as a girl, the caption is _ngokey_ HAHAHAHAHAHA didn't I say don't mess with me, can you do that? I can do more HAHAHAHAHA. I don't know if he's jealous or not. Besides, I'm excited when he's jealous. and if that's the case he chats me because he must be still spamming me. and the proof is that he doesn't spam me and doesn't chat with me, it means he just wants to play games, okay? God is good to me, keep...

i hope u feel what i felt

.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿ hello back again with cave nisa this time I realize today god good god show you what you are like. it's still about the usual caves in ghosting the boss and then there's something new. My behavior is childish but I promise this is the last time I'm like this. I will tell all my friends, yes what I think is a friend. about your asshole behavior in the cave. You don't play games with me R don't think that I love you, I love you. yes, only one-sided ;). You treat me like you want... you just go away, you take pictures with girls everywhere and let you know if you don't. we're not dating. what is the meaning of the word "I want to hug you" "unfortunately it's far away" right? God is so good to me. God doesn't want me to continue with you. I am aware that in our opinion the best is sometimes in the eyes of God, it is not good and as a result, it is now being shown. It's okay I swear it...

bad memory

🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Hola, still with Nisa, I hope you're not bored, around Asr time when I was about to pray Asr, I remembered an incident that made me feel humiliated, slandered. and your parents don't defend you when you're not wrong and instead stay silent. doesn't it hurt? it hurts so bad they don't seem to care. every time I remember it feels like my chest is tight, tears keep falling even though I don't want to cry and every time I remember that incident it hurts like my heart is being stabbed. It's not good to hate it in your heart, but just imagine that you slandered your brother, your situation is still sick, plus your parents don't believe in you and don't defend you. just imagine you all in the position of the cave. For months and years, the incident has never been forgotten in my brain in my memory. Every time I learn to forget the incident, evil thoughts keep coming. even though my heart wants to sincerely forg...

judulnya kalian buat sendiri deh kesel gue !

✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿ .✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿.✿ hello guys, I'm back again with Nisa, today intend to share a little knowledge, Aseqq is already like a great person, bae, amen, ya Allah. Now, I just want to make a fuss, ah today is the first day of PAS normal lessons Religion and PKN work on religion I believe and believe so but it's PKN's turn duh. I'm not sure what mine will be worth. I'm really afraid of being scolded by my mom :'), afraid to disappoint my parents :'). why so? So the story is like this... the Civics lesson is the second lesson, right... After religion, there is a slight pause from the first lesson to the second lesson.  after that, my teacher said the second lesson started I saw a group, right, a group of six classmates containing aura, Anita, dinda, septeye, dea. I'm just working on some questions, one of my friends sent a link. I pressed the link and the link didn't open. I...

about worrying today

today is the bad day, even though in fact today i have plan well of the night. but, there is only that mood down. in fact today i'm so lazy study. i'm so lazy because the firts reason is..  From last Friday afternoon I was very busy because I helped my mother bake cakes until Saturday afternoon. plus my cellphone is broken the battery is swollen i am very worried and afraid to put it on. and the most irritating thing the thing that bothered my parents the most, especially my mother who blamed me for playing on the phone too long watch drakor, mostly movies and anything mom said.  my mom doesn't know if i study and not only to watch drakor or film. I joined several courses and webinars, and my mom said I can just cry. because I'm so tired and don't want to fight my mother. and tomorrow i exam plus there must be someone confused. I really want to transfer all the data to the laptop, i'm so confused. i'm so scared my phone will's broken. i must ...

i love u but i'm letting go

hello back again with cave nisa this time I realize today god good god show you what you are like. it's still about the usual caves in ghosting the boss and then there's something new. My behavior is childish but I promise this is the last time I'm like this. I will tell all my friends, yes what I think is a friend. about your asshole behavior in the cave. You don't play games with me R don't think that I love you, I love you. yes, only one-sided ;). You treat me like you want... you just go away, you take pictures with girls everywhere and let you know if you don't. we're not dating. what is the meaning of the word "I want to hug you" "unfortunately it's far away" right? God is so good to me. God doesn't want me to continue with you. I am aware that in our opinion the best is sometimes in the eyes of God, it is not good and as a result, it is now being shown. It's okay I swear it's okay I have God. Allah is tu...


I hope one day I can study in Seoul, amen. hello.. why does it feel like sunset is taking so long.. now I'm waiting for the Maghrib call to prayer because I'm fasting to replace last year's Ramadan debt. I want to explain that this bad feeling is very disturbing it makes today's mood so flat. I still want to talk about him, let's just call him R. R's attitude has changed, I don't know what's wrong with me. I understand why he's busy R exam R playing I understand you :). without informing the cave beforehand. Who am I really in his life? but, why does it feel like this heart already has him? am I not selfish? I want him to be mine. I want him to look at me. though he had another life, another routine. remember nisa, you're just a friend, you're nobody nisa, you're just a friend. Now I realize that hoping that humans intentionally make us hurt ourselves. Now I just want to be stupid, I want people to be close to me, I don't ...


hello back again with me nisa, it's been a long time not writing, not venting hehe I swear I'm really busy, wow, don't miss the exam, why don't you come because you're in 12th grade too? yu, the spirit of ptn fighters, SBM, your scholarship must not be discouraged. I want to tell you a little about my obsession for the past three months. Yes, I'm close to new people AGAIN after four years of being hanged (no confirmation) I'm not a new person. He's a friend of mine from middle school and I used to like him when I was in middle school, but no one knew and didn't have time to say it hehe continued.. the first story was from Instagram he likes to reply to me and we chat for a long time....... and continue to ask for my number and whatsup :) I'm really happy that the feeling was reciprocated at that time. we chat normally, oh yeah he said he forgot to ask for my number so he didn't chat with me on whatsup at that time. then I feel lik...