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hello back again with me nisa, it's been a long time not writing, not venting hehe I swear I'm really busy, wow, don't miss the exam, why don't you come because you're in 12th grade too? yu, the spirit of ptn fighters, SBM, your scholarship must not be discouraged.

I want to tell you a little about my obsession for the past three months. Yes, I'm close to new people AGAIN after four years of being hanged (no confirmation) I'm not a new person. He's a friend of mine from middle school and I used to like him when I was in middle school, but no one knew and didn't have time to say it hehe

continued.. the first story was from Instagram he likes to reply to me and we chat for a long time....... and continue to ask for my number and whatsup :) I'm really happy that the feeling was reciprocated at that time. we chat normally, oh yeah he said he forgot to ask for my number so he didn't chat with me on whatsup at that time.

then I feel like it's back, yes.. the feeling that was there then disappears and then comes back again.. it feels like there is sadness and joy. sadly remember that when I liked him in 8th grade, he was dating someone. Well, finally I'm going out with a boy from Bandung hehe.

He's a typical child, how it's really hard to explain. He wasn't my criteria, but why can I like him?! I guess it's because of his mature thinking that I fell because of that :) hello you hope you don't read it, I'm embarrassed hehehhe

continueduuuuuu... well finally we both graduated and he entered high school as well as me. we lost, I remember really when resting at that time I secretly admired him only from afar. looking at him from afar. what from far away finally lost... until now! class 12

back to the original story from the Instagram story.. just straight to the point ah yes, since he took the practical exam he has often disappeared ;) even replied to my chat from morning tonight at 1 pm. I don't know if I love him too much?

Am I the only one who prioritizes him in my life while he doesn't, I'm just his routine :). please, I don't want to get the wrong person again, I don't want to waste my time on people who only think of themselves as high school friends :)

You're indeed a dodol, you're the one who expects too much, he comes again, he likes to reply to you, then asks for your number, chats until midnight, calls in the middle of the night, it doesn't mean HE LIKES YOU NISA :). don't hurt your heart nisa, it's enough that yesterday made an impression.

now you have to be careful ya nisa me yatuhan :'). God if he is the best drop him down to me if he is not the best please keep my feelings for him away.

now you better focus on what you are currently pursuing. Be diligent if God says he is for you, he will come back, Nisa :) Don't think about it too much. Turn off the song, turn off the lights, pull the blanket up, read a prayer, and sleep.

For those of you who read good night, I hope you will continue to be happy :)


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