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when face is more important than mindset

hello, welcome back with Annisa today super duper tired. There's a lot of homework again and it's not finished yet, plus my last sister is having a test and she asks for help with the contents. Plus I haven't learned how to make PTS yet, it's great.

What a blessing today, I think every day is a lesson to learn. we always learn new things discover new things. whatever it is we have to be strong through the day whether the heart is sad or upset, we have to keep going that day.

I want to talk about glow up lately, the word glow up is rampant, even from last year, right? until now still grounded it said. what is glow-up? If the Tiktok warg says, glow up is white, tall, sharp, has a symmetrical face shape, and many more.

but in my opinion, glow up is a beautiful heart and a beautiful brain when it comes to various kinds of looks, we can't equalize everyone if they are white, tall, tall, have symmetrical faces, and many more.

God created various kinds of humans, some are short, some are little items, some are pudgy, all the basics according to Tiktok residents are glow down.

and in my opinion, what is expensive is not glow up but grow up, what is expensive is the mindset. It's rare for me to find selebgram people who are more interested in growing up than glow up, I can count on my fingers. as if beautiful is everything if you are not beautiful?! you are not seen or seen at all. be grateful for what you have now.

 why should we be grateful because we definitely have something that other people don't have, and vice versa we also don't have something that other people have? -wr

• watch the talk
• don't be a geek
• don't be a coward
• don't forget to be grateful
• don't forget to apologize
• Do not give up
• don't be lazy (every day is learning)


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