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Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2021



I feel like I'm being watched by the same man HAHAHA Today is the third day of my period in the month of fasting, I swear, oh my god, it's not very good, my period is weaker than fasting. If fasting has a purpose, so I don't eat, I don't eat because I have stomach pain so I can't sit down and I can't help but cry a little. not stupid!! but it hurts :') I want to tell you, what class was it, I forgot, so it was time to study. I remember Monday wearing white clothes when I was studying and changing lesson hours. If I'm not mistaken, I got up from sitting down and asked for help, my friend, "Did it leak?"  they not playing leak nauzubillah BGT WKWKKWKWKW AND THERE I was told to go home until my friends took me home to change my skirt because blood was everywhere god. no wonder I said it was really hot, then when you're PMS, it's like you're already in one position, just one position when you move, where is the b...

semoga selalu bersyukur dari hal terkecil yang kita punya ◉‿◉

hello, today is the second day of fasting, and today is the last day of the early fasting holiday too... either tomorrow or when will school go back to deepening the material for the final exam after Eid, that's upk!!! okay, I'm used to going to school in the fasting month but this time it's different. The last time I went to school at Tunas Bangsa this year was this month, oh no, next month, I'll be the last to go to school because of the UPK exam, right :). I'm writing a lot of material today, I want to tell you a lot and there are lots of lessons that can be taken, I'm just too lazy to open the journal again, have to open the HVS paper again because of the writing material is there. okay, next time ok (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃ Now I want to tell you about my daily fasting. I am very grateful this year that I can get the start of fasting because last year I always had my period early. and what I'm more grateful for is that I can still be with my family, open...

hallo selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa bagi yang menjalankan yaa 🙃

malam ini malam pertama teraweh, besok puasa pertama alhamdulillah masih bisa ketemu bulan puasa bareng keluarga lengkaap gua sangat bersyukur sekali. malam ini gua paksakan menulis karena pengen banget nyampein banyak hal walaupun hati, pikiran dan badan sangat-sangat tidak mendukung.  sebelumnya gua minta maaf karena kita gak tau kapan kita terakhir hidup didunia, no one knows. selama beberapa hari ini gua tidak menulis karena emang lagi gak enak badan dan sibuk banget :). bukannya sok sibuk tapi ada aja gitu rencana-rencana yang tidak ada di planner dan tiba-tiba harus didatengin gitu.  dan yang lebih gua bersyukur tahun ini gua benar-benar lepas yang dari namanya cowo, jadi ibadah gua tidak sia-sia semoga saja ya tuhan. seperti yang kalian tahu gua bertahun-tahun dengan orang gak jelas, bener-bener gak ada kepastian. tapi, gapapa. banyak hal yang gua pelajari dari orang itu.  btw tanggal 9 april ini gua met dengan teman-teman gua tercinta, aseq tercinta. t...

hope with hope

ever hope with hope is just a hope and you are still just a dream to me. not to be hopeful. when you want someone to be yours. get rid of those hopes and dreams, then someone you want will come.  

iseng-iseng berhadiah

Yes, I'm stuck trying to write an essay even though it's already April. My focus is split with upk, should I focus on upk first :) I'm so dizzy, oh my god, I feel like going to sleep but I haven't written an essay yet :') Earlier, I had an idea, when I opened WhatsApp, it turned out that I had to write my name to take the TOEFL test. And yes, I took the TOEFL course again, but the benefit was that I didn't get a certificate. ummmm I get a voucher-like that, I hope I can get an IELS voucher, whatever I want, writing, reading, speaking, listening, it's okay as long as I get the IELS voucher, thank you. btw, it's been a long time since I've written yesterday, just questions HAHAHA HAHAHA, it's okay, it's the same as writing, only the difference is that it's in the form of a paragraph and the quotes are only one stanza. hmm not confused? btw tomorrow I have school again!! I'm so happy I swea...

god is everything

Allah will do his work, Allah will show you the way, the way you can't see if you rely on humans, because only he, knows


when u love someone u will to give everthing in your life. and one day u live without him u felt the world is broken right. 

lama bersama belum tentu bersama

I hope this is our last news in the fifth year. already yes I'm tired you're not tired why? here I realize I was wrong you've tried to do better but I can not you also understand my position. five years already huh? Honestly, if you ask me, do you still love me? yes dear, very dear. you just can't understand? when two hearts find a way to anchor and maybe that time has expired. can't already. understand. you are late, why last year the fourth year it turned out that my parents advised you and you left! you just want to explain I'm not a psychic, I'm not a shaman or even I'm not a god who knows what's in your head and heart. I'm human, I have feelings and these feelings already don't know what kind of shape it is, anyways I love you not because of your wallet or your good status. I just need your proof. This message does not contain what is implied, and it is written in Indonesian. do you still don't understand, the reason I le...


Today I don't do anything, you could say I don't do my todolist at all. By default, I just want to sleep, I'm not in the mood to carry out that routine anymore, have you lost your enthusiasm? because my cellphone is also not really right, gosh, I've been back to the counter for two, just a little, the rest, oh my goodness. I'm actually really annoyed that my vocational exam was postponed so after Eid. I swear I've planned this April, what should I do next month, I'll do this, I've made a journal like that. eh, it turns out that God's scenario is really beautiful, isn't it? It's okay, I'm sure this is all a process that God gave me to learn more and the minus is that I have to revamp all my plans until the end of the year :) Oh my god, where do I have only a few journal books left, I don't know how many pages. I want to buy it away, I'm too lazy to complain, I'm sorry, this is how it is, it's not made up. btw to...


the day after yesterday, Thursday, February eleventh, I was working on a simdig practice exam (digital simulation) when you weren't in the mood, did you force yourself to do activities or follow your mood? I usually follow my mood, because it's hard to be active or productive when my heart and mind are not in the same direction.  When I force activities or be productive, the results of my work are not productive and people around me see me as a lazy and easily angry person. Yes, it's like that, the default is to finish quickly, and finally, the results are bad. Indeed, sometimes the mood can not be predicted when it will come. Everyone can be affected at that time. sometimes the mood destroys the day that was planned from last night that should have been productive, it just fell apart. I'm tired of following the mood, I'm tired of crying, it's not clear the point is sensitive. You can't just let it go, you have to talk to it, but if you talk to i...

hi april

hi April I don't want to hope for anything. I don't want to be grandiose, I don't want to dream the same this month. It's enough, I don't want to have too many expectations. just live it, just flow like water. we just live the drama, God designed the scenario.