hello, I'm back with me, nisa, yes, it's been a long time since I wrote. In February this year, Masha Allah, I have a very busy schedule, I'm just like an artist, hahaha. Yes, it's tight with today's practice exam schedule for practice exam videos + study for tomorrow's exam and so on until tomorrow is the last chemistry practice exam, please pray for me that my exam will go smoothly tomorrow Amen And now I'm just about to write again. I want to tell you a little story about what I'm going through I'm confused about where to start the story. because it concerns my future see. So from the beginning, I was insecure when I saw my friends join, even the list of names was included in the eligible snmptn students while I didn't participate, the list or even my name was not included in the eligible students. You know what I feel, soo, I must be sad, I cry, I'm grumpy, I'm in a bad mood again. I don't think there's any spirit ...
halo, blog ini mencerintakan setengah hidup gue jadi kalo bisa gak usah baca dari postingan awal ya :)