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Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2021

dream big, pray bigger.

hello, I'm back with me, nisa, yes, it's been a long time since I wrote. In February this year, Masha Allah, I have a very busy schedule, I'm just like an artist, hahaha. Yes, it's tight with today's practice exam schedule for practice exam videos + study for tomorrow's exam and so on until tomorrow is the last chemistry practice exam, please pray for me that my exam will go smoothly tomorrow Amen And now I'm just about to write again. I want to tell you a little story about what I'm going through I'm confused about where to start the story. because it concerns my future see. So from the beginning, I was insecure when I saw my friends join, even the list of names was included in the eligible snmptn students while I didn't participate, the list or even my name was not included in the eligible students. You know what I feel, soo, I must be sad, I cry, I'm grumpy, I'm in a bad mood again. I don't think there's any spirit ...

akhir-akhir ini lagi ngerasa cape banget

Yesterday, I was not confident in myself, it was inherently inferior to see people registering for PTN here and there, even though they didn't necessarily get accepted to the university they wanted. I finally contemplated, introspecting myself again, why can I feel like this, what is wrong with me, I am inherently shy, inferior, or afraid. Turns out I had an incident that made me down for the past two years. so it's still rich, so it's still left behind, it's still not completely separated from my brain, what a terrible incident I think is. when you have a bad incident or bad experience like mine, surely when you're dumbfounded it crosses your brain. So it makes you afraid to do new things. like for example in my brain: will he be like this or not, if I speak up about something, for example, or he will be angry or not because I'm not waiting for that person. It's like a small thing but it can make you go back in the future. That's a disea...


February five two thousand twenty-one Today my brain doesn't stop thinking from waking up until going to sleep. I read a book in the morning to increase my knowledge and broaden my horizons. Then I continued shopping to make videos for the English practice exam, the shopping was just buying bananas and yogurt, the rest of the ingredients and tools were already at home. After shopping, I watched the Korean drama for a while, True Beauty Episode 15. After that, my mom asked me to accompany her to my school to take my exam card for Monday. coming home from school, I help my mom open a shop, yes, my mom has a grilled sausage shop, etc. I used to do my job tidying up plates, cutting dumplings, and much more. after that, you know?! I continue to make English practice exam videos. I took it myself at first, eh, I came and helped but I just helped hold the book but it helped me hehehe. Just imagine that I'm majoring in health analysis but I was told ...

please stay

one February twenty Twenty-one 09:00 Have you ever been asked by your crush 'who are you close with now?' So all this time, we chatted until morning, on the phone even though it wasn't for hours like people. continue VC, exchange ideas, what is he considered? oh yeah, we're just friends. I'm confused about what to answer, and finally, I answered and extend the chat, 'I'm not close to anyone anymore' and you know what he replied? 'with me or not?' what are you doing asking if we feel close, dear, fortunately, dear? ohh maybe to be sure. but it's weird to make sure in his way it's okay, it's okay, honey, so you have to be patient. But, if you think about it because strangely enough, I love that what other people don't have is in him. I hope it doesn't disappear, yes, the crush continues to be sensitive. Good morning