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Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2021

selamat berjuang 🙂

  Today Wednesday, January twenty-seventh, I've only slept three hours, but why is it still fresh now? Is it because you have not memorized the practice exam by rote at all? Is it because of true beauty in a Korean drama? Is it because he has no news at all? although usually when I'm tired I can go straight to sleep, this is no pause for rest. in the morning from 8 o'clock, I go to school online, of course, because there is still the corona, I go to school from 8 to 12 noon how much I forget. continue to family events until three o'clock in the afternoon just got home. When I got home, I did a mountain of productive tasks that were too tedious. only six sheets of writing if combined a little yes. After that, I can just lie down while watching the drama True Beauty, ahh, I'm excited, I swear. Soho and Ju Kyung who are dating, I'm a baper, I'm prancing I swear, I just found a Korean drama that makes me stay up late again. even though th...

asing tapi tak asing

January twenty-seventh twenty Twenty-one 10:03wib I'm confused with you. What do you think we are? I'm sure we're just friends right? I think it's more or not. I'm confused with you, I'm not a security guard who is always there for you and replies to your chats. I'll be waiting for you until the evening I'm busy waiting for you, you're busy disappearing It's time for me to sleep at night, chat with me. even though in the afternoon you were on for status and didn't reply to my chat. we are like people who don't know and our nights are as close as a pulse. as if what happened that day had nothing to do with you. I'm sorry if I'm being lazy, how do I feel about following you, so I won't be too hurt if one day you leave me or later you emphasize that we're just friends. It's okay because many things need to be explained, said Ka rintik sobbing. Last eleven past seven, you allowed permission to go to the cave to...

semoga ada kabar baik hari ini.

Hello, it's Friday, today we have math class but it hasn't started yet. I want to tell you a little about someone. there is someone very nice to me but why can't I be nice back to him huh? he likes to play at home until people at home know him. He's famous in my family to the point where he doesn't tell me. how are you doing with him? how do I know I'm important like that because we are just friends nothing more. now I want to tell you again but I don't dare to directly chat with you, I'm afraid he's jealous hehe. how are you? are you okay? I saw your Whatsapp status, keep walking. okay. As the year changes to Corona, instead of leaving, it's even more comfortable in our country. It's safe to wear a mask when you go out. I hope it lasts forever with him. 

You deserve better, here it is destiny

when all plans go well why plans don't go well. When there is joy why must there be sadness? when everything is so easy why must there be hard. when it is good why must there be evil. God knows what is best for us. all plans, estimates, actions, feelings, or whatever it is has a result, someone has arranged it, it's all called destiny. I think behind this happiness there will be no sadness the next day. before knowing all that. I'm arrogant, I show off. that we will all feel the wheel of life. everyone must have felt the moments above, and it is those moments above that we must remember that we are not above forever. God has planned such a beautiful plan. Even if you think the plan is not good, according to God it is the best. because everything that is outlined or determined by God is good. when your best plan is destroyed by god instead of god being bad with you precisely because God is good to you god destroys your plan so you don't feel pain or disappoin...

proses sederhana

Hello, I'm back with Nisa, so this time I want to tell you a simple process or you could say the beginning of why I made this short story at the beginning of two thousand and twenty-one and why not from the beginning. So at first, I wrote short stories inspired by someone. I like someone, someone I used to like when I was in middle school. he came back with new colors, new things in the new year. Getting to know him made me able to find myself in another cave, I learned new things and was able to express my heart and brain by writing short stories about him, of course. but every short story will have a different name, but the character and character of the character are still him. He's the one I'll write about later and so on, I don't know yet, I don't even have the intention to tell him that he's writing in my part of my life (this blog), please tell me, will he like it if I write his name on my blog, I don't know. I don't want to tell him f...

cerita pendek satu 'dua garis biru'

                               -dua garis biru- 'nanti kita pergi ke tempat mandi air panas ya di'  lelaki itu hanya tersenyum sambil mengangguk perkataan kekasihnya mereka berdua sedang berada di sebuah kafe dengan nuansa alam, tidak banyak pengunjung yang datang hanya beberapa tempat yang terisi termasuk meja adi dan zena. adiyasa ialah pacar zenaya mereka berpacaran sejak kelas tiga SMA zena dan adi satu sekolah di sekolah menengah pertama dan sejak saat itu zena mempunyai perasaan terhadap adi tetapi adi tidak mengetahuinya.   hari ini adalah hari anniversary zena dan adi yang ke tiga puluh enam bulan lebih sehari. mereka berdua sangat bahagia dihari yang seharusnya bahagia. tiba-tiba adi bangun dari duduknya dan bicara  ' aku angkat telefon dulu sebentar ya zen'  'emang gak bisa disini aja angkat telefonnya ya di?' 'engga bisa sayang ini penting' adi pergi berlari ke...