Today Wednesday, January twenty-seventh, I've only slept three hours, but why is it still fresh now? Is it because you have not memorized the practice exam by rote at all? Is it because of true beauty in a Korean drama? Is it because he has no news at all? although usually when I'm tired I can go straight to sleep, this is no pause for rest. in the morning from 8 o'clock, I go to school online, of course, because there is still the corona, I go to school from 8 to 12 noon how much I forget. continue to family events until three o'clock in the afternoon just got home. When I got home, I did a mountain of productive tasks that were too tedious. only six sheets of writing if combined a little yes. After that, I can just lie down while watching the drama True Beauty, ahh, I'm excited, I swear. Soho and Ju Kyung who are dating, I'm a baper, I'm prancing I swear, I just found a Korean drama that makes me stay up late again. even though th...
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