when all plans go well why plans don't go well. When there is joy why must there be sadness? when everything is so easy why must there be hard. when it is good why must there be evil. God knows what is best for us.
all plans, estimates, actions, feelings, or whatever it is has a result, someone has arranged it, it's all called destiny. I think behind this happiness there will be no sadness the next day. before knowing all that. I'm arrogant, I show off. that we will all feel the wheel of life.
everyone must have felt the moments above, and it is those moments above that we must remember that we are not above forever. God has planned such a beautiful plan. Even if you think the plan is not good, according to God it is the best.
because everything that is outlined or determined by God is good.
when your best plan is destroyed by god instead of god being bad with you precisely because God is good to you god destroys your plan so you don't feel pain or disappointment so deep.
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