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Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2021

about family

halo. hari ini gua hanya bermalas malasan. tapi tetep nyuci baju karena kalo gak hari ini nyuci baju besok udah penuh lagi keranjang cuciannya. sebenernya seperti biasa banyak banget yang mau gua ceritain dari masalah keluarga ada, dari pertemanan juga ada. bingung gitu mau yang mana dulu karena emang lagi mengalami saat ini juga jadi perasaannya masih campur aduk.  dan sebenarnya gak dari dua sisi itu aja masalahnya ada banyak kalo mau di tulisin cumaa.. ya gitu gak mau orang tau. iya bayangin aja masalah dari semua sisi hidup gua dateng dan si masalah ini merusak yang indah di hidup gua. di masalah keluarga ini gua gak terlalu ikut campur karena emang urusan ayah dan mama tapi bersangkutan dengan gua dan adik-adik. jadi kita kehilangan sesuatu yang seharusnya di perjuangkan tapi ayah gua gak mau memperjuangkan itu dan malah memilih untuk kehilangan hal tersebut. rasanya kecewa, sedih, mau marah gua cuma anak. karena di dalam keluarga gua hak anak, suara anak gak berlaku jadi kita...

still about you last time

 Happy reading Hello annyeonghaseo, today is the 17th of November 2021 at 12:10 pm. I just remembered now so I once prayed to God, the prayer is like "God, bring him if he's good, keep him away if he's not good". I'm aware now, very aware. That he is not the best for me. He was a guest who came briefly to give color to the cave's life. My prayers were answered and God heard. And as a result, he walked away from me for no reason. At first, I still thought about what was wrong with me, was it because I was ugly and kept him away? Or because there is something else? Or do you have a new girlfriend? For a week That's all I have in my head. Until finally I dared to chat with him first like this "x I want to say, before you have not made peace with your past, you will continue to hurt anyone who loves you x. Even though in your mouth you always say 'it has nothing to do with the past', it's a lie. Mouth and heart sometimes don't match x, heh...


 What happened last Friday Hello, good afternoon everyone, today is Saturday. I want to tell you about the past two days, last Thursday there was road construction in the area of ​​my house to be precise, it's just my RT, the rest or not. It lasted from noon around 2 to 10 pm just finished. All activities of residents stopped because of that. The average resident's motorbike is stored at my grandmother's house because my grandmother's house is in front of the alley. So yes, at that point. and it turned out that my uncle and my cousin stayed up late because the residents' motorbikes were so horrified that they were gone. For example, if a thief wants to steal a motorbike, he won't think about whether the road is cast or not, the point is that he just got the stolen goods, so my uncle and my cousin stay up late to take care of the residents' motorbikes. um. At dawn, it turned out that we as a family got the news that my father's sister was in a coma. It wa...

Still about him five years ago

 Still about him five years ago  Pages 182 Our relationship was never clear from the beginning until we finally fell in love with each other. Never tell each other after each other's feelings and five years we can't accept that we really can't be together.  The first week of November, I chatted with him again. The person I knew five years ago, the person who was always kind when he was around. People who are always there when I need them. People who always accept the cave under any circumstances. We can say that we have known five years like we know each other or not. Because both are closed, both never want to know. Equally vague and too grey.  I don't know how to describe this relationship. We're friends. But you can also say that they are not friends. They say they know each other, they don't, but I know that. we were never us from the start. We who from the beginning always avoid talking about the relationship of two people who are put together because we ca...
  Happy reading. Pages 180 Today is Monday, November 8, 2021, as usual, you guys know that I've been unemployed since a month ago. Come to think of it, I don't really like working. With this movement, I can do all the things I like from the start of the day to the end of the night. Meaning working here I don't like working for other people. I prefer to work for myself. Which is more clear and weighty. With this movement, I can write congratulations as I like, I can do homework, it's the same as helping my parents, right. I can watch movies that I like without being hindered by work. Then I can plan my days freely without any work demands. Hmm, what else can I do... o yes, I can know more about myself, what I want, what to do and what to do in the future. But, one thing that is less than not working is not getting money. Now I have graduated from school and have to make money. I'm really confused, what should I find money with without having to work. Yakali...

hello november

hallo welcome back again with me nisa.  It's been a long time I didn't write boss. There are so many events that I didn't write about on the blog and I will write about them in the next few days and in the next post. Anyway, last October was really surprising. lots of good and bad news come and go. And I really don't feel like writing a blog, I'm more stressed. because it does not remove all the contents of my mind and heart. basically starting today I will be productive again and achieve my small goals and achieve big goal.  today i write todolits very much because yesterday i'm so lazy  I don't want to have much hope in this November I accept whatever God gives me. because I know that every god gives trials and happiness has a certain purpose for us to become adults.