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Today is Monday, November 8, 2021, as usual, you guys know that I've been unemployed since a month ago. Come to think of it, I don't really like working. With this movement, I can do all the things I like from the start of the day to the end of the night.

Meaning working here I don't like working for other people. I prefer to work for myself. Which is more clear and weighty. With this movement, I can write congratulations as I like, I can do homework, it's the same as helping my parents, right.

I can watch movies that I like without being hindered by work. Then I can plan my days freely without any work demands. Hmm, what else can I do... o yes, I can know more about myself, what I want, what to do and what to do in the future.

But, one thing that is less than not working is not getting money. Now I have graduated from school and have to make money. I'm really confused, what should I find money with without having to work. Yakali with pesugihan is not possible.

If you think about it, work without having to work, just being an influencer, right? Those who work always at home, it's their turn to collaborate with other people, just coming out, even now, plus the presence of corona, they can meet via zoom.

I've always thought about becoming an influencer, I'm just not pretty, I like writing but there's nothing that people like about my writing. Until I put my blogger link on Instagram and I replaced the contents with all English, except for my stories.

Because I feel very inferior to my writing, I don't feel like I deserve to be a writer. I know everything needs a process and it takes flying hours maybe one day there will be someone who likes my writing with weird frills HAHAHA.

I want to tell you about my work yesterday. After graduating really, I worked in a hospital with a call from my teacher. He said the hospital needed volunteer workers because there were so many COVID-19 patients. The bottom line is that the number of COVID-19 has gone up drastically.

Called today for work and was immediately notified for antigen work tomorrow. Before that, I had received a call from my teacher who worked at the hospital, but not at the hospital. But the call for at the factory to swab factory employees.

I already agreed with my teacher who asked me to go to the factory for swabs, then suddenly the other teacher I said at the beginning told me to work at the hospital. In essence, he forced me to dream about working in the hospital for a long time.


What did it turn out to be? Only one month and ten days. I was pissed off at first. The point is that it is not by his dreams. Very far away. However, much was taken from working at the hospital.

After that, I was unemployed again for about two months if I'm not mistaken because I didn't calculate it. (because I enjoy it at home). By being unemployed I can learn a lot of new things from home, of course from the internet. I can learn a lot about languages, mental health, about other people's perspectives with a broader outline.

I understand better oh people like A thing like this and I understand that person's opinion and can accept new opinions. The point is I can see the wider world by being idle. Haha here, I'm like I'm very proud, I'm unemployed. Good grief!!

I know that working takes a lot of time, by working it feels like I don't have time to explore the world. I don't need the world around me, I'm tired of wanting to know.


I'm tired of wanting to know.

It feels like when you come home from work, you just want to sleep, you don't want to do anything. Because I've been working from morning to evening. Wow, great people who work by giving up their time for money.

How about I give up money but have time, hadeu-hadeu. But then again, life requires money, and I also have to help my parents financially even though they don't ask for help.

But why is it so hard to find a job! Hard! Since the existence of covid, everything is difficult, from the smallest things to the biggest things, everything is made difficult. Wherever you go, you have to vaccinate. And what's worse is that it has to be antigens, antigens can't be barcoded, ordered PCR, I don't know why this world, why the hell?

When you enter the mall, you have to use a barcode scan, and you have to get vaccinated. Even now, the mandatory work requirements must have a health certificate, vaccines 1 and 2, and at least must have antigens.

The intention of looking for money even spent money for the requirements, HAHAHA. It's very difficult for me to survive with the requirements above. Because I know how they work.


Wow, this is my longest writing, richer than my other writings. Okay, see you in my next post.


Thanks for reading.

nisa <3


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