seharusnya dari awal kita gak kenal, seharusnya kita dari awal gak bicara lebih dalam, seharusnya kita gak kaya gini. aku sudah tau ujungnya seperti apa masih tetap ku ladeni dirimu yang penasaran denganku, yang hanya ingin tahu trauma dan masalah hidupku setelah itu kau pergi. kini setelah kau pergi aku yang kembali merasa sendirian.
I'm studying, learning about how to let go, learning how to control emotions, and learning to be sincere about what God has outlined. It's all easy to hear and accept the ears of many people but difficult to do. Sincere. Is it good to be called? Magic words but in fact, it's hard to do, it's really hard to accept what God has outlined. Yes, I know God gave me that line so that when God gave me a heavier line I wouldn't fall back. God is good. God loves his strong people. The essence of the line from this article is God knows what is best for his people, God wants his people to always learn from all the lines he gives and God wants his people to sincerely accept all the lines he sets. Sincerity is a magic word that is difficult to do -ca-
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