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Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2021


 hello, I'm back with me, Nisa :) It's been a long time since I wrote a question about what's in my heart, what's in my mind, and so on. I'm really confused about what to write, where to start, what to write at the beginning, end, and middle, and how I don't know. I don't know where to start I feel like I lost my way again, lost my mood, lost my will, lost my purpose. everything. I don't know why. A few days ago I was looking for caves why. I'm confused, really confused about what to do. I don't know

hidup apa adanya :)

hello, I'm back, hmm, I was just playing with a book. just like a game for yourself. I opened the book "Life as it is-Kim Suhyun" on pages 36-37 and when I opened it it made me speechless!! he said this: 'be happy with yourself' are you happy today? a must:) Don't forget to be happy tomorrow, my friend.



with my best friend 4ever


hari ini cukup baik

 Hari ini hari kamis tangga 12 bulan agustus 2021 gua tadi pagi bangun jam 8 lewat 16 menit. Gua mandi hadas atau bisa dibilang mandi besar. Kalo kata temen gua mandi besar tuh mandi di kolam renang HAHAHAHA Sebenarnya gua sudah merencnakan hari ini dengan baik, dengan gua menulis todolist tapi gua baru menjalankannya setengah because.. my laptop gak mau comect sama wifi rumah gua juga gak tau kenapa bisa gitu kesel banget. Yaudah akhirnya gua hanya menonton film dari pagi sampe sore dan gua hanya menyelesaikan 2 giling cucian hari ini padahal masih ada dua gilingan lagi. Yaudah bisa besok juga sih Hari ini gua menonton film FF (fast and forius 9) omg heloow!!!!!!11 itu seru bannget banget nget nget. Jadi di FF9 ini gak mengisahkan pemeran utamanya, jadi menceritakan kisah hidupnya dom. Dominic Toretto  Dan yang terakhir gua rewatch film to all the boys yang ke 3  Itu seru abis sih rasanya kaya orang pacaran aja nonton itu. pacaran online sana peter HAHAHAHA

I will keep my dream

  Today I'm not in the mood, I just want to sleep. This morning I felt insecure and overthinking I was on mode. I feel dizzy, nauseous, have no appetite, the food tastes like that and it's a shame I googled it because of stomach problems. My stomach acid rises, my chest feels tight, my mouth is bitter. And as a result I sleep from 12 to 3 pm. The question is why am I dizzy and until my stomach acid rises? Because I think and I see my friends in college. Meanwhile, I just terminated my contract from my workplace. I really feel insecure my mind is everywhere and as a result my stomach acid rises! I hate my self Why do I always torture myself by looking at the things that make me tormented It's really sad that I really want to study abroad, I just don't know what the first step should be. What should I do I don't know?!   Yes, I really want to study abroad with a full scholarship, amen

hey i miss u

  Every time I listen to the song, I always remember him, sometimes I miss him, sometimes it's normal, sometimes I feel sorry that I left him, sometimes it's just normal. sometimes remember him and sometimes not. I don't know what I feel. I can't tell what I'm feeling, I'm confused. Lord. Getting rid of this feeling completely makes me believe that he is not the best for me.

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