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Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2021

inget ada mama sama ayah dibelakang

I want to complain but remember there is an old mother and father. I want to give up mom and dad just fight for me. it feels really tired but mom and dad are more tired. the first girl's shoulders were as strong as steel. Nisa's enthusiasm is only because people don't like you when you're down. they don't like you because you are more than them :)

kenapa begini ya

  why do you not feel very calm, crying can only be a way out. I don't feel at home in the hospital, I feel like I just want to leave but I have signed a contract. Ya Allah makes my heart comfortable and peaceful working at the hospital for only three months. please God.



hasil gabutq selama duahari


teruntuk pasien tercinta

  Tuesday 27/07/21 I still remember what happened this afternoon so today I swab Drive True and got 4 patients from one family. I got the parents, my seniors were the children. there I just used to swab like I used to swab. it turns out oh it turns out In my opinion, according to this old man, I look at these gentlemen in depth. in the nose even though it's already clear there is a limit. Yes, it's not a benchmark for the limits of the PCR tool, I understand that every person's nose is different. I used to be there like swab ordinary people. but, this is bad, his face doesn't make him talk slowly, sis when I'm swabbing his wife. I swear I swab like usual, I swab Anjer, I'm annoyed, I don't want to reduce patients like that. even though I already explained it like this "yes sir, if you don't get a sample, then I don't get the sample" and there I slowly and the patient has been swabbed TWICE AND HE SHOULD UNDERSTAND DONG, didn't he?! and ...

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