Tuesday 27/07/21 I still remember what happened this afternoon so today I swab Drive True and got 4 patients from one family. I got the parents, my seniors were the children. there I just used to swab like I used to swab. it turns out oh it turns out In my opinion, according to this old man, I look at these gentlemen in depth. in the nose even though it's already clear there is a limit. Yes, it's not a benchmark for the limits of the PCR tool, I understand that every person's nose is different. I used to be there like swab ordinary people. but, this is bad, his face doesn't make him talk slowly, sis when I'm swabbing his wife. I swear I swab like usual, I swab Anjer, I'm annoyed, I don't want to reduce patients like that. even though I already explained it like this "yes sir, if you don't get a sample, then I don't get the sample" and there I slowly and the patient has been swabbed TWICE AND HE SHOULD UNDERSTAND DONG, didn't he?! and ...