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Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2020

selamat tidur dunia tipu-tipu.

lagi pengen make foto park soe joon. bnsj❤️❣️ I want to make a photo of Park Soe Joon. bnsj❤️❣️ Friday, December eighteen, two thousand and twenty, it is now 23:26 WIB. I'm sleepy but I can't sleep. I've tried to put the brakes on to sleep but it still looks like something is stuck and I need to write it down. Even though I've listened to music, after watching drakor, I'm still sleepy but can't sleep yesterday Wednesday sixteen December two thousand and twenty I finished the trial 🙏 thank God it went smoothly even though there was a bit of a stammer. I swear before the trial my thoughts were very mixed. even though I've tried to make positive thinking, but the worry is still there. The trial time was postponed to 10 o'clock. Previously, it was 9 o'clock because my teacher had other needs. but the four of us came from 8 o'clock the oath was very intentional. because there is no preparation whatsoever. we are notified by the trial afte...

mengeluh dulu gapapa besok berjuang lagi.

                            happy sweet seventeen aura✨🎉❣️ .                                aura dan anita  .                                pas di ceplok hehehe                                        ini akuuu  every pain there must be a cure holla, finally I'm back to writing again, I want to tell a little story about last week's chaos, hmm yep, last week I had a repeat and yesterday was my 18th bir...

haii desember.

hi December I don't want to have any hope this month, afraid of getting sick. oh yeah, it's raining today when it's 8:08 pm I like the rain, I like it so much that every time it rains I can't always play in the rain with other kids. I don't know why it's not allowed, the more I'm restrained the more I want to find out what's not allowed in my life. Is it because my immune system is weak? ah, but I don't know ah. But when I was in middle school or high school, it kept raining, I always took the opportunity to play in the rain hehehehe, even though I knew when I got home I would get scolded by my mother, which I memorized "People wait for it to subside before going, deliberately, who's sick when they're sick those who are troublesome" continue to "really love to look for diseases" that oath will never forget until now, and there are always those words interrupted by mom's nagging. I'm sorry, your child wa...