What is heartbreak?
Abandoned by a loved one?
Cheated on?
We are not one of those three. We haven't started anything yet but I'm already feeling lost.
It turned out that high expectations made me sick, hoping to be together but impossible. I always remember our story and the rain is a witness to our story.
I love you.
Am I wrong? I don't really want to be like this either. I realized one thing, it turns out that feelings can't be guessed and can't determine who we want and what we want. If this heart could choose, now you are mine. But in fact you belong to him, it's okay that's your choice. Disappointment was imprinted because the trust was lost.
You close this story, as if nothing happened. You started it and you ended it too? These sweet memories will always be in my diary. And this feeling is getting more and more indescribable. I am grateful, I realize that you are not the best. Time is evil as long as I've been waiting for you. It's a waste.
If God allows me to have you, God will make it happen. But God has other plans :). That I have to let you go even though I hope you will come back.
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